Sunday, May 13, 2007


It's more xiong than normal school days tho i have been enjoying this module called model making. Xiong but exciting.

At the same time, i've been lacking in beauty sleep. My normal 9 hrs of sleep has been cut to no more than 6 hrs. Which i think is the reason why i slept more than 11 hrs yesterday and today on top of having a fever of 38.7 degrees, gastric and backpain.

This proves that 9 hrs of sleep is important to me. Although normal student survives well with only 6 hrs of sleep everyday, i can't. And if i do, i end up like how i am now. Feverish, limbs are numb, weak and dizzy.

Digressing a bit, i really dislikes the vietnameses here. Selfish, inconsiderate, noisy. I had to wait for them to finish washing their piles of dishes before i could wash my thermometer. What fuckers. Let me wash a while would take ur life away? ma de. I did ask nicely if i could wash first as they still had quite a lot of dishes to clean and i was feeling rather feverish plus my back was killing me. And the reply? " WAIT A MINUTE." What did i do to deserve to be snapped? I merely requested to rinse a small thing before i faint or collapse while waiting for eons for YOU to clean your chibai dishes.

what bitches they are. Not to mention one of them being caught red-handed as a thief. Actions speak louder than words.


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