Friday, August 17, 2007

money money money

been progressing well with the invictus. Really glad with that and also the fact that deanna is back. cheerios~

However, i felt like i still cldn't contribute very much to the team during matches. This is which i'm most frustrated at. Why can't i juz dribble as per normal? why can't i juz shoot as per normal? grrr.......confidence level needs to be boosted up!!!

And this passion is costing me quite a fair sum of my fortune. Plus i've owed a dear friend of mine a total of 50 bucks. *cry. In addition to that, i've gotta pay another 50 for the jersey. OH MY! Total debt incurred = 100.

Have never been in a situtation where i wld be lost as to how i shld pay my debts. The only solution which i cld think of is tuition, which doesn't really take up much time and i cld have some spare time to do my studies. I do have an assignment at the moment but my tutee has always been busy. So as a result, i seldom get to teach and receive my pay.

I won't blame anyone for the situation i'm in. And i shall begin not to complain or whine as this is the path that i chose. I chose to commit into this team and i chose to have a fulfilling life with a passion. Well, everything comes with a price. This is the point in life where i shall start to learn to cope with stress, worries and try to resolve all hinders.

sigh. Sometimes it does come to my mind that why wasn't my family rich? Why wasn't there anough pocket money for me?

But after that i dismiss all these thoughts as this is where i can learn. My journey might be tough but it's a meaningful one. Something which i shld be proud of. Shldn't i?

I shall be tougher! :)

*wanted to upload photos but too bad blogger is kinda slow today.


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