Wednesday, December 31, 2008

end of 2008

it's gonna be the end of another year AGAIN!

WHat abt this year? I'm not too sure. Good or bad? I shan't comment. But i'm quite sure that i've had enough of the yellow ball. It's time to let go and focus on working towards my dream. Even if I'm not the one with the yellow ball, I still have a vision for the team and for the future kids who wants to be the yellow ball's commander but have nowhere else to show.

With this vision in mind, i wanna concentrate on my little business, pretty much "dead" at the meantime, but i'm very determine to bring flames and i DO believe in the products. Reason number one being that it serves as a good cause. If this business takes off, i intend to donate a certain percentage of my profit to organisations who fights for mother nature as well as those poor people.

However big is my ambition, I've gotta have customers but till this date, i have none. Quite demoralizing actually. But sop and I are gonna try setting stalls at bazaar and promote our product. It's probably the bad times. Let's be hopeful. Shall we?

This is a precious dream and I'm not gonna let go. I'm gonna try again and again. I don't believe in losing, only learning. Since next sem, i've only 4 modules and fyp, I've got a little more time to spare for this precious dream. Let's do it! If nike can make it big with just a swoosh, greenie genie can make it tooo! Gambate, sop!


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