Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well done! I've gotta redo my 01 CA quiz. Thanks to the virus(es) which are in my pc, causing my pc to restart all of a sudden.

Nabey! Spent almost 6 hrs of trying to get rid of them by installing new adware removal application, running it together with my avg anti-virus for 4 times! Kanasai! 6 hrs man! Wad a fucking waste of my time!

I really hate virus(s) in all sense. First they attack my body immune system, and now they attack my beloved pc with all my proj docs inside. Walan eh..if my pc were to die on me, i will cry like mad lar! Imagine all my fyp docs gone......can't imagine anyway!

Some asked me: wah! Wad u download/surf?

My answer: Nth much. The only thing i remember downloading is this trial application which allows me to watch my fav show, so you think you can dance.

Probably from other docs which i received in my mails. lolz. Friends, beware, if i've recently sent u any docs, please scan your pc, in case the virus got to you. Sorry in advance.

Anyway, in the future, nono....from now, i'm gonna scan every documents i received, scan every fucking piece of thumbdrive before using and make sure everything that's coming into my system is not stained!

nabey! Damn angry! 5 hrs of quality time lost!

Enough said. 10 mins of ranting....time to get back to work, gotta sacrifice my beauty sleep again tonight. Kanasai....


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