Friday, October 17, 2008

a dedication

A dedication to my beloved uncle:

"Cool Uncle", has always been my image of you. Your long hair has become the trademark in the family. When i was young and bad with names and address, i was always told, "Neeehhhh....the uncle with long hair lar......." when referred.

Were you still the long hair-ed uncle I've always known? Not having been back for 2 years, I do still have a vividly recollection of you. If i say i didn't love you at all, it's a lie. If i say i hated you very much, it's still a lie. Tell me, how could i? You are still the uncle who also painted my childhood.

I do still remember all the happy times, especially during Chinese New Year. You would buy lots of crabs, prawns and cockles, for a sumptuous seafood supper, and my dad would be the chef of the night, delivering mouth-drooling dishes one after another. In my memory, everyone would almost instantly dig in, with beer on one hand while chattering away. It was a competition, for those who were later would miss the chance of tasting more of those. After the dishes were gobbled up, the children would be either continue playing video games or firecrackers downstairs.

At the strike of twelve on CNY's eve, most of us would have been already preparing to buzz the neighbourhood with lots of firecrackers. "Faster, faster, twelve already!" as we urged for the crackers to be lighted up and rocketed into the sky. When we had run out of crackers, we would cram into your car or eldest uncle's car to tour around the town, to indulge in the beautiful scene of lighted sky. And by the time the fun ended, it would have been 2 in the morning.

The next morning, the humble cottage would be buzzling with life once again at about 9am. We, the children, knew that, you would always be the one to bring us for visiting. One after another, we visited many of your friends, and in our pockets, lay hills of ang paos. Coke, biscuits and all the chinese new year snacks would substitute lunch and dinner, including afternoon tea and morning tea. I remembered how you would interact with the hosts, discussing about business matters.

Sadly, it was always during CNY which I would see you the most. For most of the time, you would be tending to your business in the capital. And when you were in town, I couldn't see you, even for the last time. For once, i hated myself for not being able to do anything for you while you had been painting my childhood wonderfully. Across the ocean i am, but the feelings still pulled the distance nearer.

Thank you, thank you very much for your amicable smiles, the dialogues which frequently brought smiles to my face and the CNY visits. How i wish i could return now.

Rest in peace.


Your niece in Singapore.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well done! I've gotta redo my 01 CA quiz. Thanks to the virus(es) which are in my pc, causing my pc to restart all of a sudden.

Nabey! Spent almost 6 hrs of trying to get rid of them by installing new adware removal application, running it together with my avg anti-virus for 4 times! Kanasai! 6 hrs man! Wad a fucking waste of my time!

I really hate virus(s) in all sense. First they attack my body immune system, and now they attack my beloved pc with all my proj docs inside. Walan eh..if my pc were to die on me, i will cry like mad lar! Imagine all my fyp docs gone......can't imagine anyway!

Some asked me: wah! Wad u download/surf?

My answer: Nth much. The only thing i remember downloading is this trial application which allows me to watch my fav show, so you think you can dance.

Probably from other docs which i received in my mails. lolz. Friends, beware, if i've recently sent u any docs, please scan your pc, in case the virus got to you. Sorry in advance.

Anyway, in the future, nono....from now, i'm gonna scan every documents i received, scan every fucking piece of thumbdrive before using and make sure everything that's coming into my system is not stained!

nabey! Damn angry! 5 hrs of quality time lost!

Enough said. 10 mins of ranting....time to get back to work, gotta sacrifice my beauty sleep again tonight. Kanasai....

Thursday, October 09, 2008

this year's health

This year seems like a year of bad health to me.

First, I had a finger fracture (hair-line of course).

Then, I've been sick for about a month.

Next, I could be having another hair-line crack on my shin.

Tada...what can i say? This year is the year which my purse bleeds the most with all these bills.

Probably I should really start to be meticulous and be cautious. Even though I might appear to be lunatic. LOL. No more illness, no more injuries please!

The Scorpio personality is a sign that has been studied for years.
The persistence of these studies have concluded on several traits the Scorpio possesses.
Among these traits are several positive qualities, which make this sign a powerful one in the world of astrology.

The Scorpio, which is considered the water sign is symbolized by the scorpion. Scorpio’s are strong, deep, mysterious, complex, and also secretive.
They love to unveil the mysteries of life, and are usually very emotional, often keeping their own deepest mysteries and trials to themselves.
Their emotions are often hidden or disguised by strength and motivation. One trait of the Scorpio personality is that of an achiever, striving to succeed, and do well in life.
They are often an influence of leadership and play important roles in the lives of people surrounding them.

Scorpio’s are determined and often very passionate, causing them to be exciting and magnetic to other people. In other words, they are extremely likeable for their intuitive traits.Scorpios are considered the most profound and intense characters in the zodiac.

They may appear to calm and self controlling, but in reality they are actually very emotional individuals. The Scorpio personality is unlike any astrologically designed persona. Although it is extremely powerful, without the persistency of their own self discipline, they are more susceptible to pain. And when there is pain present, Scorpio’s feel it like no other because they are so deep.

Scorpio’s are often very powerful in the lives of the people they know and love. Their traits can be used in extremely positive manors or the exact opposite. Their strong emotionalism can often be responsible for acts that are only beneficial to themselves. In other words, at times the Scorpio personality may show severe signs of selfishness.

The immense intensity that is shared by Scorpio’s can either be a good thing or a flaw, but can definitely prove to be an asset when times are hard.Often showing an extreme sense of calmness and stability, Scorpio’s are infamous for holding their emotions within. Thus, they appear calm and stable, but could really be ready to burst at any moment.

This trait can often lead to extreme actions and impulsiveness, which might be categorized as a negative trait.Scorpio’s are considered to be gifted. Their high striving minds are often incapable of accepting failure. Thus, Scorpio’s are often more likely to succeed in their goals and dreams. There persistence in achieving their goals is considered to be one of the many positive traits of the Scorpio personality.

They are often intrigued with finding a higher, deeper meaning for life.Scorpio’s prove to be excellent friends. They are loyal and committed to their companions and are often vital roles in the lives of the one’s who love them. They are also extremely passionate lovers, but tend to be more complicated in the world of romance.

The typical Scorpio believes in commitment and even marriage, usually only involving themselves with one partner at a time. Although, the Scorpio personality is one that will cherish the true aspects of love, they are more susceptible to receiving a broken heart because of their emotional traits.

How true?