Thursday, September 20, 2007


As i grow older, happiness seems further away.

When do i recall the last time that joyfulness comes from the heart? Without any worries or my mind occupied? When's the last time that i live my life the way i want it to be? When's the last time i truly smile and laugh because my life has been great?

As i grow older, mentally, i'm becoming weaker.

When's the last time i think optimistically instead of the worst? When's the last time that i could pick myself up after the fall immediately? When's the last time that i could tell myself i could do better and that i really did?

As i grow older, i myself slowly diminish into the shadow.

How do i get them all back again? Is it true that "what's lost is lost."?

Tell me. i really wanna give up.

Why do i always feel as tho there's noone there to catch me when i fall? Except myself?

Why do i have to expect someone to catch me from a fall?

Ironic it might seem but yes. It's a battle within me.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


It's been two days and i;m still brooding and thinking hard abt this, abt wad i've observed.

It goes like this.

A is easily affirmed to be the best player in our team and she so happens to be the one whom i ropped in. However on saturday i felt she was a changed person. A person whom i did not recall i had known. On that day, i felt she was an egoist. SHe flared up when i asked her nicely with a smile why did she look so lethargic.

I've been there something there that could make her unhappy? Well, i reckon not. And when coach wanted to sub her out, she said: Why, i still can play wad. Qns mark, was quite stunned when she said that, but at that moment i brushed it aside, thinking that it might be juz a statement of frustration. After that when we had team talk, she rolled her eyes after someone mentioned something along the line of being positive attitude on court. Worse still, she threw her coke bottle on the floor after it was over and questioned me of my statement earlier on court. Attitude ah!

After much thought, i found that it kinda match the traits of an egoist. What gives her the right to flare when i reminded her tired appearance and hinted that it's not right? I recalled of not throwing a tantrum when i was told off for being lethargic during trainings. The old amanda wld probably said: is it? ok...i must jiayou! That kinda thing. But no! i wonder if it's juz her pms on the day or she has really changed. sigh....if that's's gonna be disastrous for the team.

What would u do? Confront her and let her know? Well, i'm not sure if she can take that. Tell our cap and vcap or coach? hmm....wad if they think that i'm juz cracking all these up juz because i'm jealous? well? I'm not jealous tho i'm a little unhappy abt the little game time.

Right. If they think i'm just jealous, well, it's time that i shld reset my priorities.

Morever, i don't think i deserve to complain abt the little game time and feeling unwanted. Coz the ones who have such rights would be C and Y. If u complain abt such things, i think if i were them, i would feel like bashing u up. U're given game time yet u feel like shit? C'on....this shldn't be it, right? It's fight fight fight. Fight for the teammates, be alert and vigilant. Do your part and don't panic.

I'm not sure about the rest. However, it's starting to feel as tho wadever they have been telling, let's learn and do better, this kinda shit are appearing to be empty promises. Who actually remembers abt all these when they step on court? Since friendly till competition? Who actually do?

They really do have to prove that. Prove that i'm wrong abt all these! IF not, i wld feel disappointed and commencing on the thought that all of my effort are worthless.

At the meantime, i've gotta just try my best to improve on my skills, sharpen on those i'm good at. As such i won't be a failure to myself at least.

It's gonna be another night of nightmare again....

Monday, September 03, 2007

strange feeling

Another weekend passed. And again weekday is here.

Every week i feel like i'm just living through a cycle. Trainings, school then weekend with my bf. All in singapore, the little puny island.

To me, my life currently is mundane. Another than my passion which i indulge in most of the time and my bf whom i love to be with, the others are just routines. Projects projects and more homeworks.

Even on weekends when projects no longer pester me, i do feel bored even with my bf around. It's not because i'm bored to be with him, it's the limited things we can do together. Every weekend, i wld crack my head on wad i wld like to do but i found none. I would love to travel, go for a backpacking holiday over the weekend, or mayb just a roadtrip. But........all these account for $$$. sigh.....everything's so expensive here. Petrol, car, air tix.

Stuck in this island with mundane life, i wonder how long more can i endure such lifestyle.

I sense animosity at times and i do not why i'm bothered by this. Why do i even bother to amend friendship when it doesn't exist in the first place? Why do i even care to know how well he/she is living now? Why do i even feel disappointed when i noe it wld eventually turn out foul one day?

But one thing i'm sure of. I treasure friendship too much, even acquaintan-ship. So much to the point that it backfires. I shld have known better to stick with friends i know i can trust. However, i thought i could trust this 'good fren' of mine.

I know i'm contradicting myself, this is who i am. I'm frank to the ones i consider friends but once again there are so many people whom i call friends.

Many times, i wish i could be a hermit, not involving in certain social 'ambiguoties'. I tried and i failed. Coz i feel bored without them around.

Often i think of ways to shield myself away from all these. Coz i feel sick of being "arrowed" right at my heart.