Friday, March 16, 2007


yesterday seems like a bad day for me.

At the first part of my training, i strained my left hand muscle. assistant coach told me to stop and have a rest. He said i might not be able to continue training with them for the rest of the night which saddened me coz i really really love training. Oh well, i was scolded by my friends for value-ing training far more than my life. Which is kinda right, i deserved to be scolded.

And then when coach asked me to help him demo a play, i sprained my knee while i was getting up. :( and now it's swollen as if stung by a bee. It not very painful, but it has a constant nagging pain plus my entire left leg feels numb as if it's gonna be paralysed.

my friend who had a knee injury before advised me to go for an x-ray coz he said i'll never know if there's anything wrong with the knee tissue or sth. The way he said it sounds very serious and scared me very much. i really do not wish to stop playing ball right now at this super young age. 20+ is the golden age for bballers. how could i stop at this time?

So i decided to ask my assisstant coach for advise. And he told me to rest a few days, lots of rest and stop playing sports for 2 weeks. By then it would heal.

BUT i still don't feel safe. Should i go for an x-ray still? The fee is crazily high for a foreigner like me but on the other hand, i'm a student so probably it's still not that ex. However, i was told that i might have to go for MIR if x-ray shows nth. And MIR costs a few hundreds!!!!!! :(

i'm in a dilemma.

i've gotta save $$$$ for bebe's bday. and i still couldn't save till the target sum yet. :(

looking around for a tuition lobang at the west but seems like it's rare. sigh. i hate it when i feel empty in my pocket.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

new tank

i've got a new tank!!!! black in colour with black gravel!!!! :) i've got a coconut husk with the anubia and the java moss sitting on it plus two small anubias for the flora in the tank. bebe just ordered christmas moss for me and i juz can't wait to put them in. heeez....I LOVE christmas moss. pretty pretty moss.

hope the casualties would decrease after i shift entirely to the new tank. :)

life basically now revolve mainly around me and my love and of course a part on sch and friends. School has been fun with them around and life after school is wonderful with my love by my side.

all these encourages me to drill harder into MP2007. not to say exam is coming in a months' time. *sweat

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

new google acc

i;m forced to upgrade to google acc. wad's the diff? i prefer the old one actually...grr...

and i've finally figured out line integral after a week or so of staring at the lecture notes. One down two tutorials more to go! gambate!

i'm actively looking for tuition assignments actually. Needa find some cold hard cash and have some huge savings for my future plans. :) anyone who have any lobangs to any kinda job which appeals to me, thanks le bro and sis, get my attention pls.