Monday, October 09, 2006


when can i ever be less forgetful, less careless, less impatient?

so hard to uphold my moto during this time of the term in a MERITOCRATIC NTU. this school is driving me to the edge of desperation.......

i really hope i can reach my expectations when i graduate from this place. i do not wish to graduate from here having an empty brain, blurred image of the 4 years here and waste my precious $$$$$$.

BUT it's so hard not to care too much abt the grades here......expecially with the ever-changing f**** up system.

something which i constantly hope for even since i step into this school : to tio toto or have lucky lady smiles on me or to have a rain of $$$ on that i cld be able to get out of here as soon as possible in every ways possible....yet having a wonderful certificate in my pocket.

there's no such thing as a fullstop now......blame it!


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