Thursday, November 27, 2008

up early

Been up since 8.

Time check now > 839

Recall the time lost between 8 - 839 > spent on surfing net

Conclusion > still not very gan jiong for the final paper

To be exact, i woke up at 745. And decided that since it's still early and those who are taking ens would still probably be pia-ing, so i decided to send out 8 sms-es out, wishing them all the best.

Bo liao right? "Wake up so early to wish me?" ..........kinda i guess.

yearn to fly far and high,
not knowing what's ahead,
tell me that the sky ahead would eventually turn blue and clear
tell me that it is near

yearn for the better and comfort
knowing that like the orange sky of the sunset
good things never last
tell me would this really last?

Monday, November 24, 2008


Exams are the times when i start to wonder and ponder on a lot of issues. What am i gonna do in the future? DO i really wanna work as an engineer? Am i really cut out for engineering position?

I'm not so sure. You see, u can manage this course doesn;t mean it suits u. Isn't this right? I'm losing my interest in this course, and most of the time, i do everything else except study. I hate memorizing for the sake of exam, i wanna learn for life, not for exam.

What are my passion in life? They say as long as you persisted ur passion as ur career, you'll be happy. DOes it really work this way? i mean, if ur passion is like ice-ski-ing and then u set up a company on that knowing there's no market here, you jolly well be prepared to eat instant noodle! haha...oh well, of coz that's crap. NO one in the right mind wld do this. lolz.

Sigh, i think i'm increasing becoming a systematic thinker, a successful result of this society.

What am i gonna do? Economy is plunging into high low. Jobs are dwindling everywhere, pay cuts, retrenchment. How can there be job vacancy when year 2009 arrives?

Challenging indeed. But I'm losing the air.........who can give me some air?

Worry comes with age. Different perspective does open up lots of windows but at the same time more worries. Uncertainties and doubts are the cause of irritation. It's time to take a step back and scrunitize externally.

Monday, November 17, 2008


You dunno how to control one! Aiyo!

Ha---nah....i know i know....but i just don't like to spend my precious half a day studying. That's just me.....Relaxing, to me, is one of the key ingredient to study efficiently.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Shit Happens

Human behaviour never fails to be interesting. It's as tho everyone is made up of several gazillion pieces of puzzles, waiting for u to solve and unravel the mystery involved. Everytime one piece fits into the other, it creates an interesting piece of story. A story on a tiny section of a person's character and way of thinking.

Everyone has a different way of thinking, even tho it might not be noticable, but it indeed exists. Disillutions are often fabricated to the advantage of a person. No matter how persistent and sure u are of the person's wrong-doings, the insistence of the accused would make you doubt your perspective for a moment.

Today you can be friends, but the next day the friend turns to a foe. Selfishness tends to create this scenario. Personal gain, personal achievement are often taken as priority and sacrifices on several values which our ancestors have attempted to pass on. Integrity, selflessness, respect. Times has change, circumstances are different. One can claim as such. But it is undenial that in this current society all these have slowly been eroded away.

Survival becomes an utmost importance to most. "I need to obtain the power to command and stand above you all!" Status and power, are these really so importance after all? Different perspective and way of thinking has resulted in different definitions of importance. Compromising sometimes seems to be at a disadvantaged. Ironically, being selfish at most times, produce a more favourable result.

The past few months of the exciting ups and downs have taught me that all things are grey, not absolutely white or black. However, it only boils down to appropriate or inapropriate. I can no longer blame a person for trying his/her very best and using all means to achieve his/her dream. Neither am i bothered by whether i'm wrongly accused. Ultimately, i'm very sick of trying to improve situations and yet at the end of it realising that i'm being sacrificed.

I can be a compilation of puzzles, but one thing wld never change, basketball will be one of my achievements.

Sometimes i wonder, am i disillutioned too?

Everything written above are fragments of my thoughts, messy and incoherent. FUck it!

(IN lay man terms, you give me shitz, i throw a pile of shitz on u!

Don't expect me to please you when u give me shitz to face. If u want respect, earn it fuckers! Call me bitch, by all means, but i noe i'm not! Ha-ha!)