Thursday, April 16, 2009


Jenny Jen Jen is feeling the heavy weight and it's too much to fall asleep. Gotta seek the help of alcohol again. :(

I juz have to start believing in myself again. Since when did i start to doubt my own ability? I have forgotten.....Need to pick up the pieces once again.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


A Challenge to myself. Pick and ROLL, calm down, slowly look first, weight options quickly, and make a good decision in a swift.

Need to train more on my left-hand and lay-ups. Nowadays, my feel has diminished to obscurity. Where is my percentage?

Sunday, April 05, 2009

ups and downs

When i play ball, my mouth has an automatic zip. After playing ball, the zip automatically disappears and replaced with a heavy heart.

How can I improve? How the hell can a person stuck at this stage for so fucking long? How the fuck can I be at least one notch below my teammates? ARGH! This is so frustrating...the more i try to think on court, the more confused i become. Especially when my teammate shouts at me and i wondered if I'd deviate from the play. And while i ponder, my focus goes astray. I can't multi-task. Sigh. I feel like i'm a typical nerd, who can't play sports but study.

Match clashes with exams. And i have yet to start my revision. Tres Bien! I tot I was superwoman eh? I have to put in double the effort now! Hush! Dun frustrate me! I'm extremely volatile now.