Tuesday, September 23, 2008

final year of school life

School is making me crazy and emo....I hate to be rushed and this sem i'm time and time again been rushed for projects when i'm Sick! And no matter how hard i try to recover, it juz lingers and it doesn't make anything better when my mind keeps being bothered by how many !@#$%^&&*&^%$#@! incomplete work i still have!

So I do what i'm good at. Think of nothing else but just sleep and play my heart out, hopefully by doing this, the sickness would go away and I would be able to concentrate on projects 100%! But aiya, deadline coming leh. How sia?

Anyway, i believe in my competency. haha! I noe some people don't but i believe i have some unbelievable strength within me.

I can make it happen if i want to, but some people just can hinder that. I'm so sick of all these. sigh. Alamak! But i'm truly glad that i'm on the road to recovery......yoohoooo! FInally, i hate being sick!

Ask what's within yourself
Ask what you should face
And not ask what you should run away from.

Face it and don't be a coward
For it disgusts people