Monday, January 15, 2007


hateful school days are back...8.30 lessons for 3 days, 9.30 a day and 10.30 the next. especially hellish when u wake up and find ur roomie cosily snuggling under her blanket and sleeping sweetly. at that moment, almost instantly ur mind is being influenced, telling u that ur bed is much better than listening to lousy lecturers blabbling some cheem stuffs that no matter wad u don't understand. worse still, diagrams on transparencies are so bloody god damn small that every time u strain ur eyes trying to make out the tiny little letters and words, ur brain energy is exhausted by 30%. whichever the case, going back to wonderland seems more of an attractive choice.

BUT U JUST HAVE TO DENOUNCE ALL THESE AND CONVINCE URSELF THAT LESSONS ARE BETTER THAN SLEEPING. just because of a piece of paper which claims that it can guarantee ur bright future.

just did a two tutorials and then i realised it's around 9.30pm! omg. no more dinner at canteen. only instant noodle packet within reach. plastic dinner again. unhealthy unhealthy.

as i was having dinner alone only with music from other people's itune accomanying me, i browsed thru blogs. friends and acquintances. happy for those who found their true and one and only love. giving best wishes to those who are having downfalls. hope tml wld be another bright and hopeful day to them again.

while browsing, i recall these few days. the small bickerings that we had, the short cold war that we had, the many sad and hurtful things we have said and done.

for the past few days i haven;t been myself. impatient, quick-tempered, ignorant, SILLY. i don't deny that i've thought of sth which i shldn't have at all. i was not understanding enough to giv in when tiredness befalls you. was not patient enough to explain things. i was at fault for not able to be sensible enough.


sorry bebe.

Friday, January 05, 2007


somehow i feel as if i'm living in a messed up and confusing life right now. *shrugs